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Couchman Hanson – bringing specialist law to the High Street

At Couchman Hanson, we think we’re a little different from other law firms. Let’s find out more.

We have a vision at Couchman Hanson. It’s to bring the quality of law work you would usually find in London to the streets of Surrey. We do this by having a wide range of specialist lawyers onboard, but also by building connections with our local community and developing strong, values-based relationships with our customers.

In this article, we want to show you how we do it.

Welcome to Haslemere

In January 2021, we opened our newest office on Haslemere High Street. Now, you may remember that this was right in the middle of lockdown. I can tell you that the residents of Haslemere were quite surprised to see a new business springing up in the middle of the pandemic, but they soon got used to us.

Straight away, we started introducing ourselves to the local community. All of our team members got involved. We also came up with some initiatives to engage with the Haslemere community, including:

● On National Biscuit Day, we visited every local Haslemere High Street business delivering fresh cookies and stopping to introduce ourselves.

● We ran a summer photography competition for amateur snappers of all ages. The theme for the competition was the wildlife of Haslemere.

● We are also sponsoring Haslemere Rotary Club’s annual raffle which, this year is supporting refugees from Ukraine.

Free 30-minute consultations

One of the things we often find when we talk to our clients is that, before they meet us, they are worried about what lawyers might be like. They’ve got a legal problem weighing on their mind. They’re also anxious about what will happen next and how much it is going to cost. So, we decided to do something to relieve those fears.

We allow people to come to our office (or talk to us on the phone) for half an hour for no charge at all. Our lawyers will listen to your story and answer any questions you may have. They’ll also tell you what your options are regarding next steps. After that, how you proceed is up to you.

Meet Paul

Paul Marcus is Couchman Hanson’s point of contact with the local community. Before coming on board with us, he was the Managing Director of Eagle Radio, so he’s well known to many businesses in Surrey and Hampshire.

Paul’s mission is to help make Couchman Hanson a high street law firm in all the best ways, with an array of specialist talent and a team that also works hard to play its part in community life.

So, next time you’re in Haslemere, pop in and say hello. There may even be a cookie in it for you!

Find out more from Couchman Hanson

At Couchman Hanson, our solicitors genuinely care about getting the best outcome for you. We’re highly professional, with ‘city-level’ talent and experience, but also friendly and welcoming. Everything we do fits with our values of integrity, honesty and authenticity.

Call 01428 774756 or visit